Greed Kills

To say that this has probably been the biggest bloodbath in our recent investing lifetimes might be a understatement. Over the past 2 weeks in particular I have had more friends, old buddies and associates contact me to ask me for my take on the market. They talked about the “great ideas” that they now have and “can’t miss opportunities”

Thursday night a long time friend of mine texted me and my response to him was if he isn’t sitting there babysitting it right now placing any new overnight positions in this environment could potentially be brutal.. Well his stock dropped an additional 7.4% on Friday…. Ouch….

I have placed very few new overnight positions the past month…. Day trading has proven to be much more profitable during this onslaught of volatility.

Yes there have been a few money makers out there.. A few.. Stick to your written trade plan and Buyer Beware….

Invest wisely, live charitably and be well….Brother Bill

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