Know your ……………..

You have most likely been asked in life about your “learning style” Many Dr’s will ask you during an exam to see what you are doing to better yourself, especially in your mid life years, some professional careers will ask in their hiring process. That speaks for itself.

The $SPY trade that I placed here in July is doing well, The whole purpose of me sharing via this blog is 2 fold, To show others that you do not have to be a “rocket scientist mathematician” to invest using Options. But for me too, I learn the most when I have to PHYSICALLY WRITE IT OUT. and then articulate it in a manner others learn, and benefit from it.

Anytime we write something out it is embedded within us, makes it harder to forget. Easier to remember, that is why people make to do lists, shopping lists and written goals.

It was Albert Einstein who said “If you can’t teach it to a 3rd grader you don’t understand it yourself” I hope he wasn’t talking about his theory of Relativity because I wont be as smart as a 3rd grader there. But I do know Options, their pricing is one thing I am comfortable in saying that I am highly familiar with.

That is why we are currently up 55.81% on our $SPY Option Call since only July 18, 2021…… Think about it. The $SPY is only up 5.3% in that time. That is a 10 to 1 ratio….. Ten to one, any time I can get that I will take it.

You cant just buy any Options and expect a 10 to 1 ratio ( Option over Stock ) you can’t. doesn’t work that way.

I tell all Options traders / investors that I talk with, even ones with over 20 yeas of experience, “What’s the 1st rule of Options? KNOW your Options Chain” Look at it 30 seconds a day. then 45 seconds a day.. Each day, every day, 5 days a week…… After time you should begin to notice differences in price movements. When Black Swan events occur, when hurricanes or tropical storms hit, when oil falls, when gold rises, when The Fed gives us good news, those things can and do affect prices, you don’t have to know or understand to calculate them. But by simply watching your Options Chain by starting out at only 30 seconds a day, every day for each position..

Not saying that method is the “Holy Grail” I’m simply saying it is one of the ways of how I got started on my way to making 55.81% gains ( without babysitting ) in only 6 weeks when those with the stock only made 5.3%

Invest wisely, live charitably and be well

Brother Bill

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