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- Why do they lie?
Why do they lie?
Liars every where...
What’s that old saying about Pinocchio?
“Always let your conscience be your guide”
When Pinocchio was finally able to quit telling “stories” it was only then he could turn from wooden puppet to a real boy
That’s how I feel about many stock news outlets lately and a strong reminder why I so rarely check them out
Yes the DOW and the S+P both closed up slightly today
But the NASDAQ is red
Do you know that “The Mag 7” accounts for 31% of the S+P 500?
And that NVDA alone, nothing else, just NVDA makes up 6.8% of the S+P
It’s not hard to push the S+P up or down, either way, when one / third of the 500 stocks in the Index is controlled by only 7 stocks
So what about the other 493 that are in there?
Today as everyone was reporting in the Pre Market “Stocks making rebounds!!!!!!!!!!!! ) I saw RED on the screens
Stocks may of closed with green today, but they weren’t green then
As early as 8 years old, my mother would say to me “Always ask your self who is telling you what, why they are sharing it, and what do they have to gain”???
She would also say “You are young, you are free, you are in America, you can be anything you want to be”
I’m going to bust some bubbles here
There’s an old video of CNBC’s Jim Cramer doing an interview back in 2006 while employed by CNBC
That interview has been removed from YouTube but I’m going to find it ( write me if you have it )
In it he speaks of calling reporters when he ran a Hedge Fund and making up stories so he could “Pump and Dump”
He has since said that he now regrets that, all I know is those things happen every day
This is the transcript of that interview
Right now as we speak the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is suing Capital One for cheating it’s customers out of 2 Billion, yes 2, B, Boy, Billion, in a “bait and switch” scam with their credit cards
One thing we here at theoptionscoach.net will never do is lie to you
I assure you of that, never have, never will
And hopefully any other stock services that you may follow take the same approach
Rants over, my frustration is hopefully your gain
CRS we closed it today
We may re-enter but were heavily focused with Options
Today it did 2 things
First off very low Volume for that Gap up, very low
Secondly it appears to want a pullback as it approaches Resistance
We exited when it hit the $200.00 mark
Here’s how we did

AMZN -0.11%
CAT +2.66%, looking at the Options on it now, they are there, will report those in the morning
COST -0.74%
META -2.19%
NVDA -1.25% ( was down over 3.2% at one point, of course that was after they all yelled “Turnaround Tuesday!!: “ )
SFM -1%
SN 😁 +1.37%
UNH +0.47%
WMT -0.74%
A new edition that I’ve had my eye on and popped today is PLNT
It closed up 3.05%
We’re looking at some possible Options on it here, if this holds over night lets take a look at them tomorrow also
On days that I don’t give new entries, that usually means we are already moving with the positions that we have, or that they are on stand by due to market structure
I don’t know about you, but if I can be “What I want to be” my vote is that we all be profitable, prosperous and honest as we make that happen
The Options Coach

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